CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Drawer Runner Groups Explained
    In This Topic

    CabMaster distribute most of the runner tables and allows customers' to tweak the choice, detail and machining data for drawer runners using the Runner Editor. These amendments are written to a separate override file, thereby preserving the original.

    This concept is similar to how CabMaster distributes and supports a Base Library (.qil) file. End users can then use/create cabinets in the separate Catalog (.qim) file, thereby preserving the original 'Based on' Library - see Difference between Catalog and Library.

    Runners are grouped into one of three Runner Groups ...

    Each Runner Group can have any number of Runner Sets associated to them. This allows for the creation of default runners based on the height of the available drawer space (up to 5 runners per set). Default sets for each group can then be selected at Catalog/Drawing levels and Cabinet level. Then as the cabinet is reformatted and the available drawer space changes, the appropriate runner will automatically be selected.

    Each Runner Group has its own construction rules and tables and is a fixed list of three groups. This means that you cannot create any more groups (even by creating a new group folder). A drawer runner file is required for each runner type and within this file there should be a row for each length in which the runner is available.

    Selecting Required Runner Type

    Each runner group has a subfolder in the ...Table\ folder, these subfolders are ...

    Within the subfolder are the runner files (one for each runner type) which can only be viewed.

    A Default Runner Group can be selected in the Catalog/Drawing Properties on the Hardware > Drawers page i.e. Standard, Metal Standard or Metal Premium, as per the following example.

    You can designate the required Entry runner type (e.g. Blum) for each Default Runner Set (e.g. RunnerSet1) per runner Group (e.g. Standard).

    Default Runner Group is Standard and Default Runner Set Entry for this group is Blum.

    Default Runner Group is Standard and Default Runner Set Entry for this group is Blum.

    The runner type for each drawer can be selected at cabinet level. However, as long as the runner selection for an individual cabinet has not been changed and saved in the catalog, the choice of runners can be defaulted for an entire drawing by changing the appropriate Drawing Properties.


    Search by Folder and Filter

    There are hundreds of sample tables shipped with CabMaster, so to help limit which ones are available for selection there are two tools Folder and Filter options, which can be used separately or both together. These are available in both the Catalog/Drawing and Cabinet levels.

    Multiple Runner Set Tables can be set up and then selected from for each drawer Entry type e.g. Blum.

    You can Override the designated Set by ticking the checkbox (as shown). This will enable you to search for the required runner file using the Folder and Filter edit boxes. For a detailed discussion, see topic on Filter Tables.

    Filter used to display only runners that are 35kg  -  Click to Expand

    Filter used to display only runners that are 35kg  -  Click to Expand

    The Edit (purple) button/s made available can be used to edit the selected runner, using the Runner Editor.



    See Also