CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Drawer Runner Tables Explained
    In This Topic

    The library uses external lookup tables to store the choice, detail and machining data for drawer runners. This allows each site to be set up according to local requirements. There is, however, a level of complexity involved in this that may be beyond the understanding of many users. It is therefore not uncommon that assistance is required from a CabMaster consultant to make necessary changes.

    Runners can be accessed in the Catalog/Drawing Properties on the Hardware > Drawers page and are grouped into one of three Runner Groups ...

    Each Runner Group can have any number of Runner Sets associated to them. This allows for the creation of default runners based on the height of the available drawer space (up to 5 runners per set). Default sets for each group can then be selected at catalog/drawing levels and cabinet level. Then as the cabinet is reformatted and the available drawer space changes, the appropriate runner will automatically be selected.

    The format and order of the runner file is very important.

    Each Runner Group has its own construction rules and tables (detailed below) and is a fixed list of three groups. This means that you cannot create any more groups (even by creating a new group folder).

    A drawer runner file is required for each runner type, within this file there should be a row for each length in which the runner is available.

    Selecting Required Runner Type

    Each runner group has a subfolder in the ...Table\ folder, these subfolders are ...

    Within the subfolder are the runner files (one for each runner type).

    The runner type for each drawer can be selected at cabinet level. However, as long as the runner selection for an individual cabinet has not been changed and saved in the catalog, the choice of runners can be defaulted for an entire drawing by changing the appropriate drawing properties.

    A Default Runner Group can be selected in the Catalog/Drawing properties on the Hardware > Drawers page as per the following example.

    You can then select a Default Runner Set for each Drawer Runner Group using the drop list.

    Default Runner Group is Standard and Default Runner Set for this group is Blum.

    Default Runner Group is Standard and Default Runner Set for this group is Blum.

    See Runner Sets topic for more details.


    Selection using Folder and Filter

    There are hundreds of sample tables shipped with CabMaster, so to help limit which ones are available for selection there are two tools Folder and Filter options, which can be used separately or both together. These are available in both the Catalog/Drawing and Cabinet levels.

    Multiple Runner Set Tables can be set up and then selected from for each drawer Entry type e.g. Blum.

    Filter used to display only runners that are 35kg  -  Click to Expand

    Filter used to display only runners that are 35kg  -  Click to Expand

    Refer Filter Tables.


    Format of Drawer Runner Tables

    The following discusses how to format Drawer Runner Group tables.

    1. Each row within the runner table represents a different runner length. These should be labelled as a negative <length>mm.
      • Rows should all be negative numbers, so that a drawer runner of 500mm is represented by -500mm.
    2. The rows should be in ascending order (i.e. the smallest first).
      • If the rows are not in ascending order unpredictable results will occur as the CabMaster looks through the rows sequentially to find the appropriate length. it starts with the specified drawer depth and works backwards until it finds a runner length that fits. The drawer is then made to this depth (so, the actual drawer depth may not match the depth specified!).

    Once a row in the table has been selected the remainder of the properties in that row are loaded and used.

    Example of Runner Table and Lengths  -  Click to Expand

    Example of Runner Table and Lengths  -  Click to Expand

    Add an extra row at the bottom of all the tables and label it as -50mm (Click on image above). Then, if a drawer depth specified is less than any available runner, it will pick the 50mm.

    This will show in the cabinet thumbnail as a small drawer and also cause CabMaster to give a message warning (as shown below) of the invalid sized drawer.

    No drawer when 50mm selected

    No drawer when 50mm selected


    See Also